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现将我单位改进的选线用量角度盘制作方法介绍如下: 一、盘面:用直径22厘米的铝片,左右分刻0~180度,并加刻←左—·—右→,以便易于识别左右偏角。刻划的铝片钉固于厚约1厘米的不变形园木板上,木板稍大于铝片。二、指针:用长20厘米、宽1.2厘米较厚的无色透明胶片制成。底面刻划中线,涂上红色。两端胶上两个插针用的基座,使用时在基座中心针孔插上小 Now my unit to improve the line selection angle plate production methods are described below: First, the disk: with a diameter of 22 cm of aluminum, left and right sub-0 to 180 degrees, and add engraved ← left - · - right → for easy identification Left and right declination. Scratched aluminum nails fixed to a thickness of about 1 cm of the park garden board, board slightly larger than aluminum. Second, the pointer: with 20 cm long, 1.2 cm wide and thick colorless transparent film made. Scribe the center of the bottom, painted red. Both ends of the gel with two pins with the base, when used in the center of the base pinhole plug
本刊讯 近日,人力资源和社会保障部下发通知,决定实施《农民工稳就业职业技能培训计划》(下称《计划》).《计划》明确,今明两年,每年培训农民工700万人次以上,以在岗农民工、
湖南省人民委员会指示一九五五年十一月十六日 (55)会工字第一一一二号现颁发‘关于本省私营工业开、转、歇业、遷厂、合併、联营、扩建的斩行规定’,希即切实遵照执行,并转
For any link and for any modulus m we introduce an equivalence relation on the set of nontrivial m-colorings of the link.We will show that for any prime modulus
Cauchy interlacing theorem is a well-known theory in matrix theory, which reveals the closed interlacing relationship between the eigenvalues of real symmetric
The complete cd-index of a Bruhat interval is a non-commutative polynomial in the variables c and d, which was introduced by Billera and Brenti.They also conjec
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Let G be an arbitrary loopless connected graph.In this paper we show that t(L(Sr(G)))=Π v∈V(G) d(v)d(v)-2 Σ E(C)E(G) t(G-E)r|E(G)|-|v(G)|+1-|E|Π e∈E (d(ue)
目前,运输企业承包期偏短(一般为3年)是诱 发短期行为的一个重要原因。承包期过短,使得承包 者不大愿意考虑企业的长远发展规划和经营目标, 不大愿意进行智力开发,技术改造和