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长期以来,以教师为主体的作文教学模式高付出,低收效。作文批改和作文讲评成了制约语文教学发展的瓶颈。在作文教学的实践中,我结合学生实际,尝试采用学生自主评改的模式。首先是教师做示范性评改,其次是以小组合作探究为主的互动评改,三是学生的自主性评改。以小组合作探究式的互动评改模式为训练主线,突出学生主体参与和评改能力的培养,实现以学生自主评改的作文教学目标,确立学生的主体地位,激发学生的创新思维,变“教师评改”为“学生自主评改”。让学生在多层多边的交往中,培养创新能力,挖掘潜能,张扬个性。“教”学生评改是为了“不用教”。 For a long time, the teaching mode of composition with teachers as the main body has paid a lot and has low effect. Composition criticism and essay commenting have become the bottleneck restricting the development of Chinese teaching. In the practice of writing teaching, I try to adopt the mode of self-evaluation by students according to the actual situation of students. First, teachers make exemplary reviews, followed by group cooperation to explore the main interactive assessment, the third is the assessment of the autonomy of students. To explore the interaction between the group mode of inquiry as the main training line, highlighting the main body of students to participate in and assessment of the ability to cultivate students to achieve the goal of self-rewriting the composition of teaching objectives to establish the dominant position of students to stimulate students’ innovative thinking, change “For ” students self-evaluation “. Let students in multi-level multilateral exchanges, cultivate innovative ability, tap potential, publicity personality. ”Teaching “ student comment is ”do not teach ".
在多项式中求待定的字母,常用的方法有以下几种,现结合“希望杯”初二年级试题介绍如下.1.比较系数法例1 若对于一切实数 x,等式 x~2-px+q=(x+1)(x-2)均成立,求 p~2-4q 的值
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例1 木板浮青塘,七分于水上,跳上一大蛙,一半正水下,又上九小蛙,木板恰水下,大小蛙质量,比值为几何?说明:木板视为长方体,“七分”、“一半”分别 Example 1 Wooden board