
来源 :中国临床康复 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:owenzikao
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AIM:To analyze bone inductive capacity of the compound material of decalcified bone matrix combined with rhBMP- 2 and impregnated with bone cement.METHODS:To assess the experimental study, histological and Massons methods were used.RESULTS:The effects of compound material on the induction of bone formation were investigated in NIH mouse models.It was observed that in the with rhBMP- 2 group, mesenchymal cells gathered in the implanted material at the 7th day postoperation,chondrogenesis were found at 14 to 21 days after implantation,new bone formation were observed at about 21 to 28 days after surgery and the DBM particles were absorbed by the new generated tissues gradually.CONCLUSIONS:The compound material of DBM combined with rhBMP- 2 and impregnated with bone cement could induce the proliferation and migration of mesenchymal tissues that could be differentiated into cartilage and formed new bone finally.The new bone could absorb DBM particles gradually.The compound material had fair capacity of bone induction.
在 2 0 0 3年上半年SARS流行中 ,本实验室从北京地区临床确诊的SARS患者的含漱液和咽拭子标本以及尸检肺标本中 ,先后分离到 4株呼肠病毒[1 ] 。经血清交叉中和试验证明 ,从
在抗病毒研究过程中, 核苷类型的RT抑制剂扮演着重要的角色. 从经典的AZT到L-型核苷及至最近的磷酸前药, 人们一直都在核苷的结构上大做文章, 并逐渐认识到了L-型核苷的重要
突发性聋的病因、发病机制等迄今尚无定论 ,内耳微循环障碍可能是突发性聋发生原因之一。目前治疗方法很多 ,主要是以扩血管药物为主体 ,改善内耳微循环 ,增强大脑氧供以提高
患者 ,男 ,32岁。因左耳鸣、闷胀感、阻塞感 3年余于 2 0 0 1年 11月入院。患者于 3年前无明显诱因出现左耳鸣 ,闷胀感 ,阻塞感 ,耳内流水感 ,随体位而改变 ,听力下降 ,但无
目的 :探讨单纯型鼾症、憋气型鼾症和脑梗死的关系。方法 :脑梗死组 6 0例和正常对照组 6 0例 ,排除年龄、性别、肥胖等因素的影响 ,进行控制配比的析因研究。结果 :鼾症者较
目的 关于对自闭症的干预目标 ,最重要的一点就是看干预后的自闭症儿童能否回归主流社会[1 ] ,在什么样的条件下自闭症的儿童可以回归主流社会呢 ?本次研究的目的就是对此问
AIM:To develop a new internal fixation device for comminuted, unstable fractures of the distal femur, and to offer a guide for management of these injuries base