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劳动和社会保障部信息中心关于印发《劳动保障系统政府机构因特网域名规范》的通知各省、自治区、直辖市、劳动和社会保障厅(局):为在劳动保障系统内建立统一规范的域名体系,方便公众查找劳动保障系统政府网站,更好地通过因特网向社会提供政府信息服务,我部在现有域名操作办法的基础上,研究制定了《劳动保障系统政府机构因特网域名规范》,现印发你们,请遵照执行,并就有关问题通知如下: 一、已按中国电信电联〔1999〕1142号文件中附件一《地方各级劳动保障政府机构域名规范及操作办法》注册域名的单位.应按《劳动保障系统政府机构因特网域名规范》中的要求修改原域名,并重新注册〕二、尚未申请过域名的单位一律按《劳动保障系统政府机构因特网域名规范》申请域名。三、在新域名体系启动半年内,实行新老域名双轨运行,各地可根据本单位域名应用情况,在适当的时间向部信息中心书面申请撤消原域名。原域名系统原则上运行至二00二年六月三十日停止使用。执行中的有关问题和技术咨询请及时与劳动和社会保障部信息中心联系。联系人:郭秀英、陈大红电话:(010)84201090、84201686 传真:(010)84228350 E-mail:dn@mail.molss.gov.cn 劳动和社会保障部信息中心 2001年十一月十九日 Notice of the Information Center of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security on Printing and Distributing the Internet Domain Name Regulations of the Labor and Social Security Institutions Government Offices, Labor and Social Security Bureaus: To establish a unified and standardized domain name system within the labor security system, and to facilitate The public looks up the government website of the labor security system and better provides the government with information services to the society through the Internet. Based on the existing methods of domain name operation, the Ministry of Industry and Research has formulated and formulated the “Internet Domain Names and Specifications for the Government, Labor and Social Security System” Please follow the implementation and notify the relevant issues as follows: First, according to the China Telecom Union [1999] No. 1142 Annex 1 “local governments at all levels of labor and social security domain name specifications and operating practices” registered domain name units should be “ The domain name of the government agencies under the Labor and Social Security System and the re-registration of the re-registration.] II. Those who have not applied for the domain name shall apply for the domain name according to the ”Internet Domain Name System of the Social Security & Protection System". Third, the new domain name system is activated within six months, the implementation of dual-track operation of the old and new domains, all localities can be based on the application of the domain name, at the appropriate time to the Department of Information Center to cancel the original domain name. The original domain name system in principle to run until June 30, 2002 to stop using. Implementation of the relevant issues and technical advice, please contact the Ministry of Labor and Social Security Information Center. Contact: Guo Xiuying, Chen Dahong Tel: (010) 84201090, 84201686 Fax: (010) 84228350 E-mail: dn@mail.molss.gov.cn Labor and Social Security Information Center November 19, 2001
用中碱玻纤、短石棉、低碱度水泥混合制成浆液,通过园网箱工艺,生产出一种轻型建筑平板,简称 T·K 板。这是上海市第二建筑材料工业公司研究所和上海石棉制品厂于1980年共同
春天来了,小朋友们有没有注意到小河边、池塘边多了许多小生物啊?你们知道小蝌蚪是怎样长成青蛙的吗?你们有没有想过去养几只小蝌蚪来观察它们的成长过程呢? Did you notice