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跨越数字鸿沟和应对老龄化挑战都是当今中国社会所面临的严峻课题。它们统一于建设信息化社会的目标下,以加速经济发展,推动社会进步为宗旨。本文即从这两个时代任务出发,重点探讨了在中国社会信息化的整体进程中,老年人所处的信息阶层,老年信息群体的内部特征及我国跨越数字鸿沟的一系列方针政策对老年人产生的现实影响。本研究发现发达地区和欠发达地区、城市和乡村及精英阶层和草根阶层(主要以经济水平和教育背景划分)的老年人在跨越数字鸿沟运动中所受到的关注有着显著的差别,信息化的步伐也非常不一致。但由于互联网资源难以成为他们创造生产价值,延续生产力的工具,所以是否接入互联网及使用互联网能力的差别不足以激化到产生实质性的社会阶级分化的地步,也不会成为老年人贫富差距的主要原因。政府跨越数字鸿沟、促进信息社会发展的措施主要在简易网络终端、智能养老服务、保障社会参与、发展网络经济、提升信息素养方面与老年人有直接关联。但这些关联并非都具有积极推动意义,它们使老年人迈入信息化社会的前景更多元也更复杂。 Crossing the digital divide and tackling the challenges of aging are all serious issues facing Chinese society today. Under the goal of building an informatized society, they are all aimed at accelerating economic development and promoting social progress. In this paper, starting from the tasks of these two epochal times, the paper mainly discusses the internal characteristics of the information stratum in which the elderly are located, the informational groups of the elderly and the series of guidelines and policies across the digital divide in China in the overall process of social informatization in China. Realistic impact. The present study finds that there is a significant difference in attention among the elderly and underdeveloped regions, urban and rural areas, elites and grassroots groups (mainly divided by economic and educational backgrounds) in the movement across the digital divide, and that informational The pace is also very inconsistent. However, since Internet resources can hardly become a tool for creating productive value and prolonging productive forces, the difference between access to the Internet and the use of the Internet can not be sharpened to a point where substantive social class differentiation can not become the gap between the rich and the poor of the elderly The main reason. The government’s measures to bridge the digital divide and promote the development of the information society are directly related to the elderly in terms of simple network terminals, intelligent retirement services, social protection, network economy development and information literacy. However, not all of these linkages have a positive effect. They have made the prospect of older people entering the information society more diverse and complex.
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