先天下之忧而忧后天下之乐而乐1 “先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”是范仲淹《岳阳楼记》中脍炙人口的名句。自古以来,一切以天下为己任的有志之士,都把它作为自己的座佑铭,鞭策、激励自己。今天,重温这句箴言,又悟出了其中新的含义。在中国的历史上,不必说是在动乱年代,就是在太平盛世,也有不少有远见的人为国事
After the world’s troubles and worries, the happiness of the world and the happiness of the world1 “The worry and worries of the world, and the pleasure and pleasure of the world afterwards” is the famous saying among Fan Zhongyan’s Yueyang Tower. Since time immemorial, all people with lofty ideals who take the world as their own responsibility have used it as their motto and spurred and inspired themselves. Today, revisit this maxim and realize the new meaning. In the history of China, it is not necessary to say that it was in the period of turmoil or peace and prosperity, and there were also many people with farsightedness who were national affairs.