夯实执政基础 搞好县乡换届

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明后两年,我省县、乡领导班子将进行换届。这次换届,是在我国开始实施“十一五”规划,构建和谐社会,加快推进社会主义现代化建设新的发展阶段进行的,是全省人民政治生活中的一件大事。通过换届,选举产生新一届担当重任的县、乡领导班子,对于进一步加强县、乡领导班子和领导干部队伍建设,不断提高县、乡领导班子和领导干部的执政能力和水平,实现富民兴赣和江西在中部地区崛起的奋斗目标,具有十分重要的意义。县、乡党委和政权机构是党和国家组织机构中的重要层次。加强县、乡领导班子建设对提高党的执政能力、巩固党的执政基础尤其重要,只有把县、乡班子建设成为坚强的领导集体,才能使我们党的事业蓬勃发展,党的执政能力得到提高,党的执政地位得到巩固,才能 The next two years, my county, township leadership will be general election. This general election is a major event in the people's political life in our province as we start implementing the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan”, building a harmonious society and accelerating the new stage of development of socialist modernization. Through the term change, the county and township leading bodies that assume the most important task in the new election shall be elected for further strengthening the building of contingent of leading cadres in county and township level and continuously improving the governing ability and level of county and township leading bodies and leading cadres so as to realize the goal of enriching the people and enriching the people The goal of the rise of Jiangxi and Jiangxi in the central region is of great significance. County and township party committees and government agencies are important levels in the party and state organizations. To strengthen the construction of the leading group in counties and townships is particularly important for improving the party's ability to govern and for consolidating the party's governing foundation. Only by building the county and township team into a strong leadership can the cause of our party be thrived and the party's governing capability improved The party's ruling status has been consolidated and capable
人说,搞房地产开发风险很大,一头连着银行一头连着刑场。乍听不解并觉惊恐,连着银行好理解,与刑场怎么挂得上边呢? 读了这期专题才知道自己的无知和幼稚,才知道这里面的浑水