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维生素E是一种抗氧化剂,大多数人认为补充维生素E可以帮助他们延缓衰老、可以保护心血管,预防心脏病。不过,最新研究发现,服用药物大量补充维生素E效果可能会适得其反,危害身体健康。 研究人员去年在美国新奥尔良召开的美国心脏学会会议上报告说,他们对每天补充维生素E400个国际单位(IU)或更多的人、每天补充最多200个国际单位的
<正> The numerical simulation using the multiple relaxation time lattice Boltzmann method (MRT-LBM) iscarried out for the purpose of investigating the two-dimen
<正> In the paper, the variable separation approach, homoclinic test technique and bilinear method are successfullyextended to a (1+1)-dimensional Caudry-Dodd-G
<正> Langevin simulations are preformed on the depinning dynamics of fluid monolayer on a quenched substrate.With increase in the strength of the substrate, we
<正> The effect of small-world connection and noise on the formation and transition of spiral wave in the networksof Hodgkin-Huxley neurons are investigated in
<正> 武汉、重庆是全国较早进行经济体制综合改革试点的城市。1986年初两市又被国家体改委、人民银行总行确定为金融体制改革试点城市。从此,金融体制改革成为经济体制改革的
<正> In this paper, first, we employ classic Lie symmetry groups approach to obtain the Lie symmetry groupsof the well-known (2+1)-dimensional Generalized Sasa-
1 病历摘要41岁。病程2年,明显的听幻觉,同时思维散漫,情感平淡,孤僻退缩,意志减退,无法正常工作,无自知力,确诊为未定型分裂症。服用阿立哌唑治疗,第1周每天5mg,第2周每天10mg,第3周每