中枢神经系统感染至今仍是小儿时期常见病 ,病死者及神经系统后遗症仍然较多。虫媒病毒以外的病毒性脑炎近年发病有增多趋势。当前小儿时期中枢神经系统感染仍然以化脓性脑膜炎 (化脑 purulent meningitisPM)、病毒性脑膜脑炎 (病脑 Viral encephalitis VE)和结核性脑膜炎 (结
The central nervous system infection is still a common childhood disease, the deceased and the nervous system sequelae are still more. Arbovirus viral encephalitis other than in recent years the incidence of an increasing trend. The current childhood pediatric CNS infection is still purulent meningitis (purulent meningitisPM), viral meningoencephalitis (Viral encephalitis VE) and tuberculous meningitis (junction