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作物吸收土壤中的磷素,不仅受到土壤有效磷含量的影响,而且与土壤磷酸吸收系数关系密切。本研究采集13个县(市)九大土类的30种土壤进行盆栽和室内培养,研究各类土壤的供磷特性。结果表明:乌泥田、灰泥田、莱园土供磷能力较大。黄泥田、黄泥砂田、耕种红壤供磷较弱。而红壤、红色石灰土、紫色土的供磷能力普遍较低。有机质含量高的黄壤、山地草甸土以及含盐高的海涂土壤,供磷能力很差。试验得出,作物吸磷量与土壤有效磷和磷酸吸收系数密切相关,其相关系数分别为r=0.8114和r=-0.6340。试验还表明,在磷酸吸收系数和有效磷含量不同的土壤上,作物吸收土壤磷和肥料磷的比例不同。当土壤磷酸吸收系数大于700mg时,不论有效磷含量高或低,作物吸收的磷有60~80%来自土壤,而磷酸吸收系数小于400mg、有效磷含量低于5ppm时,作物吸收的磷素有70~80%是来自肥料。小麦植株含磷量与其生长关系密切。根据小麦体内含磷量的回归方程及其生长形态特征,初步定出磷肥施用效果的临界指标,供合理施用磷肥参考。 Crops to absorb phosphorus in soil, not only by the soil available phosphorus content, but also with the soil phosphate absorption coefficient is closely related. In this study, 30 kinds of soils from nine major soils of 13 counties (cities) were collected for pot culture and indoor culture to study the characteristics of phosphorus supply for all kinds of soils. The results showed that the soil available phosphorus in Wuditian, Diantian and Laoyuan were larger. Yellow muddy fields, yellow muddy fields, red phosphorus cultivation is weak. The red soil, red lime soil, purple soil phosphorus supply capacity is generally low. Yellow soil with high organic matter content, mountain meadow soil and high salinity tidal flat soil have very poor phosphorus supply capacity. The results showed that the phosphorus uptake of crop was closely related to the available phosphate and phosphate absorption coefficient of soil, and the correlation coefficients were r = 0.8114 and r = -0.6340, respectively. The experiment also showed that the ratio of phosphorus absorbed by soil and fertilizer was different in soils with different phosphoric acid absorption coefficients and available phosphorus contents. When the soil phosphate absorption coefficient is more than 700mg, 60-80% of the phosphorus absorbed by the crop comes from the soil regardless of the high or low available phosphorus, and the absorption coefficient of phosphoric acid is less than 400mg. When the effective phosphorus content is less than 5ppm, 70 ~ 80% comes from fertilizer. Phosphorus content in wheat plants is closely related to their growth. According to the regression equation of phosphorus content in wheat and the characteristics of its growth morphology, the critical index of phosphorus application efficiency was preliminarily determined for the reasonable application of phosphate fertilizer.
利用放射性同位素研究土壤中离子的扩散,早有文献报道,这在测定方法上是一个很大的改进。近年来,利用放射性同位素~(131)I 和~(35)S 模拟土体和地下水盐分运行的一些规律,揭