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原子弹:是最普通的核武器。它利用重原子核裂变反应所释放的巨大能量,通过光辐射、冲击波、早期核辐射、放射性污染和核电磁脉冲起到杀伤破坏作用。氢弹:又称热核聚变武器。它的原理类似于太阳的内部反应,利用氢原子核发生聚变反应而释放出巨大能量。其威力比原子弹大几十? A-bomb: is the most common nuclear weapon. It takes advantage of the enormous energy released by the fission reactions of heavy nuclei and destroys them through light radiation, shock waves, early nuclear radiation, radioactive contamination and nuclear electromagnetic pulses. Hydrogen bomb: also known as thermonuclear fusion weapon. Its principle is similar to the internal reaction of the sun, the use of hydrogen nuclear fusion reaction and release huge energy. Its power than the atomic bomb big dozens?
凌翔/摄中国米-171直升机 Ling Xiang / photo China Mi-171 helicopters
1941年12月7日,日军成功偷袭珍珠港。从此,在波澜壮阔的海战舞台上,舰载航空兵屡建奇功,不仅得到了战略家们的青睐,还成为衡量一个濒海国家军事力量的重要标志。 中国作为一
AIM:To assess the role of magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography(MRCP) in detection of pancreatic duct stones(PDS) in patients with chronic pancreatitis(CP
AIM:To identify and compare the profile of Ca2+ channel subunit expression in INS-1 and rat pancreatic β cells. METHODS:The rat insulin-secreting INS-1 cell li
The clinical course ofchronic liver diseases is significantly dependent on the progression rate and the extent offibrosis, i.e. the non-structured replacement o
生活常识告诉我们,生产马铃薯和生产哲学是不同的。 其实,就是从学术讨论的角度看,指出两者的不同,运用排列法虽然无法穷尽所有不同之处,一般性地说出它们的不同点,也不是什