连山区是葫芦岛所辖区之一,有19个乡镇、10个街道办事处。全境面积1660平方公里,总人口62万。 连山区临渤海湾,居“辽西走廊”中部,属北温带季风型大陆性气候。 连山区的交通十分便利,京哈铁路、102国道横穿境内,地方铁路、公路纵横交错,四通八达。到1994年底全区有黑色路面(油路)241.9公里,1995年底基本达到乡乡通油路。市区距葫芦岛港10公里,距秦皇岛港120公里,距锦州港20公里,距锦州机场50公里。邮电通迅事业也迅猛发展,已开通程控电话2.8万门,从市区到乡镇,都能自动拨号,与海内外沟通、传递信息。
Lianshan District is one of the areas under the jurisdiction of Huludao, with 19 towns and 10 sub-district offices. The whole area of 1660 square kilometers, with a total population of 620,000. Lianshan Bohai Bay, Habitat “Liaoxi Corridor” in the middle, is a north temperate monsoon-type continental climate. Even the mountain traffic is very convenient, Beijing-Harbin Railway, 102 National Road across the territory, the local railways, highways criss-cross, extending in all directions. By the end of 1994, there were 241.9 kilometers of black pavement (oil road) in the entire area and basically reached the township thoroughfare by the end of 1995. Downtown 10 kilometers away from Huludao, 120 kilometers away from Qinhuangdao Port, 20 kilometers away from Jinzhou Port, 50 kilometers away from Jinzhou Airport. Rapid development of postal and telecommunications industry has opened 28,000 program-controlled telephones, from urban areas to towns and villages, can dial automatically, communicate with both at home and abroad, to transmit information.