
来源 :生理科学进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bright202
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中国生理学会第18届理事会第二次会议中强调,生理学的发展必须吸收各方面的新技术,但更重要的是要有好的思路,才能做出高水平的工作。1992年1月8日《生理科学进展》在京编委会上,委员们一致同意在本刊开辟一个“科研思路”新栏目,鼓励目前正在科研第一线拼搏的中青年科研工作者谈谈他们的设想,中老年科学工作者则可对既住的工作进行阶段性的回顾,并引出对今后的展望。为了尽速体现编委会决议,本刊在短期内组织了两篇稿件,希望起到抛砖引玉的作用,争取更多的生理科学工作者参加这项交流活动,以期把刊物办得更加活跃和更有生气。 During the second meeting of the 18th council of Chinese Physiological Society, it emphasized that the development of physiology must absorb new technologies in all aspects, but more importantly, it is necessary to have a good train of thought in order to make a high-level work. January 8, 1992 “Advances in Physiological Science” At the editorial board of the Beijing Municipal People’s Congress, members unanimously agreed to open up a new column of “scientific research ideas” in this issue to encourage young and middle-aged scientific researchers who are now working hard at the front line of scientific research to talk about them The idea is that older and middle-aged scientists may conduct a phased review of the existing work and draw conclusions about the future. In order to reflect the resolution of the editorial committee as soon as possible, the magazine has organized two manuscripts in the short term, hoping to play a valuable role in attracting more physioscience workers to participate in this exchange event so as to make the publication more active and more Lively.
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