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Revised September 2013 with numbers verified by representatives of the synchrotrons(contact C.-J.Lin,LBNL).For existing(future)neutrino beam lines the latest achieved(design)values are given.The main source of neutrinos at proton synchrotrons is from the decay of pions and kaons produced by protons striking a nuclear target.There are different schemes to focus the secondary particles to enhance neutrino flux and/or tune the neutrino energy profile.In wide-band beams(WBB),the neutrino parent mesons are focused over a wide momentum range to obtain maximum neutrino intensity.In narrow-band beams(NBB),the secondary particles are first momentum-selected to produce a monochromatic parent beam.Another approach to generate a narrow-band neutrino spectrum is to select neutrinos that are emitted off-axis relative to the momentum of the parent mesons.For a comprehensive review of the topic,including other historical neutrino beam lines,see the article by S.E.Kopp,“Accelerator-based neutrino Revised September 2013 with numbers verified by representatives of the synchrotrons (contact C.-J.Lin, LBNL) .For existing (future) neutrino beam lines the latest achieved (design) values ​​are given. The main source of neutrinos at proton synchrotrons is from the decay of pions and kaons produced by protons striking a nuclear target. there are different schemes to focus the secondary particles to enhance neutrino flux and / or tune the neutrino energy profile. In wide-band beams (WBB), the neutrino parent mesons are focused over a wide momentum range to obtain maximum neutrino intensity. In narrow-band beams (NBB), the secondary particles are first momentum-selected to produce a monochromatic parent beam. Another approach to generate a narrow-band neutrino spectrum is to select neutrinos that are emitted off-axis relative to the momentum of the parent mesons. For a comprehensive review of the topic, including other historical neutrino beam lines, see the article by SE Kopp, ”Accelerator-based neutrino
【英国《国际核工程》网站2015年3月26日报道】英国核先进制造研究中心(Nuclear AMRC)将牵头两个为期18个月的新欧洲研究项目,以便为民用核工业研发先进制造技术。第一个项目
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