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俄国最伟大的诗人,俄国批判现实主义的奠基者,现代标准俄语的创始人亚·塞·普希金,照别林斯基的形象化的说法,他象大海一样,把过去俄罗斯文学的千万条大小河流,都汇合到自己怀抱中来,开辟了新的批判现实主义的道路.可以说没有一个伟大的俄国作家没有向普希金学习过,没有一个伟大的俄国作家不是在普希金的影响下发展了他的才能的,普希金的创作天才不仅打开了俄罗斯文学辽阔的领域,给它的未来指出了正确有效的道路,而且还跨越了民族的界限,进入了世界文学和文化杰出活动家的行列.1799年6月6日,普希金诞生在莫斯科一个古老的贵族家庭里.他的家曾经很富有,但在诗人诞生时已经衰落了.他的父亲是一个受过良好教育的人,和当时的文学和戏剧界都有较密的接触.父亲本人擅长诗歌朗诵,并且在客串演出时还很成功.普希金的父母沉缅在上流社会的生活方式里,对子女的教育漠不关心,只是把他们托咐给家庭教师和奶娘.第一个教育普希金的是他的外祖母玛丽亚·阿列克赛耶夫娜·甘尼巴尔.她很聪明,受过良好教育,普希金正是跟她学会了用俄语读和写的.从童年时代起,对普希金思想的形成起主要影响的并不象资产阶级贵族批评家们所断定的那样,是什么法兰西精神,而是外祖母给他讲的古老的传说.普希金的奶娘阿琳娜·罗秀昂诺夫娜 As Russia’s greatest poet, Russia’s founder of critical realism, and founder of modern-standard Russian Yaš Pushkin, according to Belinsky’s visualization, he, like the sea, put past the Russian literature ten million The rivers and streams of both countries merged into their own arms and opened up a new path of critical realism. It can be said that none of the great Russian writers studied Pushkin and none of the great Russian writers developed him under the influence of Pushkin , Pushkin’s creative genius not only opened the vast field of Russian literature, pointed out the correct and effective way for its future, but also crossed the national boundaries and entered the ranks of outstanding writers and activists of world literature and culture. Pushkin was born in an ancient aristocratic family in Moscow on June 6. His home was once rich, but it was already declining when the poet was born, and his father was a well-educated man, and then the literary and theater world Have a closer contact with the father himself good at poetry readings, and very successful guest performances.Pushkin’s parents indulge in high society In her lively manner, he was indifferent to the education of his children, and only gave them to the tutor and the nurse, the first to teach Pushkin his grandmother, Maria Alekseevna Ganebra, who was very clever and experienced Good education, which Pushkin learned to read and write in Russian, had a major influence on the formation of Pushkin since childhood and was not what the spirit of the French, as the bourgeois aristocrats judged, But the ancient legend that his grandmother told him. Pushkin’s nurse, Arlene Roxanne Anna
莫里亚克的小说心理描写手法浅探──读《黛莱思·德克罗》王晓雪Resume:FrancoisMauriacaunstyleoriginaldanssadescriptionpsychologique.Danssonchef-d'oeuvre《There... On the Psychological Description of Mauriac ’s Novel ─ ─ Reading “Dai Lai De De Luo” Wan
我院1973年1月~1988年7月15年间共收治卵巢肿瘤1176例,其中泡膜细胞瘤3例,仅占卵巢肿瘤的0.3%,泡膜细胞瘤合并妊娠1例,占卵巢肿瘤的0.1%。例1 徐某某,22岁,因停经2月,下腹部