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1.显影液与定影液的鉴别①胶卷片头试验法找一段已曝光的胶卷,剪取一小段用水浸润后,置入待鉴别液,数分钟后观看胶卷的变化。如置入溶液后胶卷变黑,则鉴别液为显影液;如置入溶液后胶卷变透明,则鉴别液为定影液。一般暗室都备有D-76、D-72显影液,如果分辨不清这两种黑白显影液,可用片头试验法将其区别;即胶卷快速变黑者为D-72显影液,胶卷迟缓变黑者为D-76显影液。②相纸试验法找一已曝光的相纸小条,插入鉴别液中,能使相纸乳剂面变黑的溶液为显影液,不能使相纸乳剂面变黑的溶液为定影液。用前述的鉴别方法可同样将D-76显影液和D-72显影液加以区分。③试纸检验法撕取pH试纸一张插入鉴别液约一秒钟,然后取 1. Identification of developer and fixing solution ① Film leader test method to find an exposed film, cut a short period of infiltration of water, into the identification of liquid, a few minutes after watching the film changes. If the film into the solution after the black, the identification of liquid as the developer; such as the film into the solution becomes transparent, the identification of liquid as the fixing solution. General darkroom is equipped with D-76, D-72 developer, if you can not distinguish between the two black and white developer, the first test can be used to make the difference; the film quickly black to D-72 developers, slow film delay Black for the D-76 developer. ② photographic paper test method to find a photographic paper strip has been exposed, insert the identification solution, the photographic emulsion surface can turn black solution for the developer, can not make the photographic emulsion surface black solution as the fixing solution. D-76 Developer and D-72 Developer can be similarly distinguished using the same method described above. ③ dipstick test method to take a pH test paper into the identification solution for about one second, and then take
我所在的社区是河北省唐山市丰润区太平路街道纺织二社区,辖区内有居民1700户。由于纺织厂是破产倒闭单位,下岗人员达1300人,职工工资低、收入少,又是老小区,管理难度大。 M
为了适用于引进德国 MWB公司的无局放试验变压器器身干燥的要求,我们研制了真空热风干燥浸油设备。本文详尽的叙述了该设备的构成、真空热风干燥浸油工艺以及讨论了真空热风干燥
Background: The concept of CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) is not universally accepted. Even if specific clinicopathological features have been associate
CCH-16型袖珍式数字超声波测厚仪是目前世界上先进的测厚仪之一。它与一般衡器相比,具有无损单面测量特点,适用于造船、石化、冶金、机械、锅炉压力容器、铁路等部门。 该机
患者男性,46岁,因无明显诱因右上腹隐痛并逐渐加重2个月就诊,CT检查提示肝左叶占位,考虑胆管癌,收住院.患者2个月前曾在当地医院经B超检查提示"肝占位性改变待查".  入院查体:一般情况可,发育正常,营养中等.全身皮肤巩膜无黄染.全身浅表淋巴结未及肿大,心、肺、肾、脑等重要脏器未见异常及肿瘤转移征象.腹部平软,腹壁未见曲张静脉及胃肠型.右上腹肝区深压痛阳性,肝脾肋缘下未及,Murphy征阴性,移
镭射箔和全息箔都是通过激光摄影制成的。 镭射箔光彩夺目,富有动感,几乎能美化所有的产品,用途甚广。被它装饰的产品闪烁生辉,档次倍增,附加值也随之大大提高。 Laser foi