Synthesis and evaluation of methionine and folate co-decorated chitosan self-assembly polymeric mice

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Mike_sun
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In this study, an amphiphilic copolymer folate-succinyl-methionine-chitosan-octyl (FSMCO) was successfully synthesized step by step for self-assembling polymeric micelles. The copolymers formed micelle-like nanoparticles by their amphiphilic characteristics and structures were examined by UV-Vis absorption and Fourier transform spectroscopy. The sizes of blank and ICG derivativeloaded micelles measured by dynamic light scattering were about 170 and 140 nm, respectively, which were spherical in shape with an average zeta potential of 10 mV. Further studies on the stability showed that the micellar solutions maintain their sizes at room temperature for 1 month without distinct aggregation or dissociation. ICG derivative was much better photostable after being entrapped by the new carrier. The prepared FSMCO micelles displayed a good drug loading content (11.7%), entrapment efficiency (66.5%) and sustained release rate for the model drug fluorescein. The copolymers demonstrated weeny cytotoxicity toward Bel-7402, L02 and A549 cells when incubated for 2 d. Ligands modified micelles endowed preferable cell targeting capability and beautiful cell inhibition of HCPT-FSMCO on Bel-7402 tumor cells. This kind of polymeric micelles may be a promising nanovehicle in delivering near-infrared dyes for tumors imaging and chemotherapeutic drugs for cancer therapeutics.
孕妇,22岁.孕1产0.孕39周,常规产科检查未见明显异常,行产前常规超声检查.超声检查示:宫内妊娠,单活胎,耻骨联合上方可测及胎头环状回声,环状回声连续完整,颅内结构正常,双顶径 9.6 cm,脊柱排列整齐;胎儿躯体长轴,于背部皮肤见浅而宽"U"形压迹,压迹上方见扁圆形块状衰减,内见模糊点状回声(图1);胎心146次/min,股骨长 7.5 cm;右大腿中部皮肤可见"W"型压迹,压迹上方见两个圆
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