An Unforgettable Trip to Far East of Russia

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  In the early spring of 2010, I brought thirteen Chinese students to the Amur State University of Humanities and Pedagogy in Komsomolsk-on-Amur in the Russian Far East. This is the fourth group of students from the international department of Jiamusi University that was to study in the school in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. My mission was to accompany them to the university and made a special visit to the university before I came back to Jiamusi. I was deeply impressed by the warm reception and the outlandish scenery of the Far East part of Russia.
  On March 12, 2010, we took a coach ride and set off from Jiamusi. After the coach crossed the border, the endless flatland unfolded itself all the way to the horizon. The birch forest leaned all in one direction and you can tell what direction the winds travel most of the time out there. The 620-km2 Far East accounts for more than one third of the Russian territory. More than 45% of the land is covered by forests. Under the land are oil, natural gas, and other mineral deposits. Though rich in natural resources, the area sees no large scale development at all and retains its natural beauty and charm.
  At 8 pm that day we reached Birobidzhan, the capital city of Jewish Autonomous Oblast. We stayed at the Oriental Hotel for the night. The next day, we took a train ride to Komsomolsk-on-Amur. The next morning we arrived at eight o’clock. As the Chinese students began settling down on the campus, I started my official visit to the university. A big part of my visit was around the campus. I looked around, chatted with Chinese students who had been there, and visited the dorms of the new arrivals. I did sightseeing around the city. I met people, made friends with them, and attended banquets. The warm reception touched my heart.
  I was deeply impressed with the campus. The quiet environment presented by the university is ideal for academic studies. The campus has no automobiles rumbling and shuttling everywhere. Remarkably, it is not surrounded by shops, restaurants, bars, cafes as can be seen everywhere around universities and colleges back home. Inconvenience? Maybe. But certainly no madding noise either.
  There is a locker room at the entrance to the main classroom building where people take off their heavy coats. The heating system inside the building works pretty well. Inside the building it is summer everywhere. Desks are not new, but they are tidy and clean. Classrooms have white walls, completely free of graffiti, and tips for examinations seen everywhere in classrooms in Chinese colleges and universities. The classes there are small, no more than 25 people per class.
  Behind the appearance of cool-headed concentration on education is determined pursuit of knowledge of the Russian people. Nowadays many schools in Russia have financial difficulties, but higher education institutions in the country keep breeding top-quality students in science and technology. The Russian achievement in education is closely associated with its culture. We Chinese say “make no noise and you go far”, but we seem to lack this kind of peace and dedication back home.
  During my brief tour around the city, I visited the City Museum which relates the local lore. I also toured around the city, visiting a church, shopping in a supermarket, visiting Lenin Square in downtown. I did sightseeing on the Amur River, which was still covered by snow. On this river tour, I was able to admire from afar the distant mountains of the Far East.
  On my way back to China, I visited Far East State University of Humanities during my short stay in Birobidzhan. It was additional visit, not previously planned.
  Altogether I spent six days in Russian Far East. Four days were on the road and two days in Komsomolsk-on-Amur.□
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