Synthesis and cercaricidal activities of a serial of novel self-diffused cercaricides derived from n

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:handsomels
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A serial of novel cercaricides that can self-diffuse on the water surface were designed and synthesized according to the special habit of cercariae larvae.These compounds were derived from niphensamide.While the compounds were dropped on the surface of water,the liquor diffused along the air-water interface and formed thin membranes floating on the water surface immediately.The strong cercaricidal activities against the cereariae larvae of Schistosome japonicum of these compounds have been revealed by further experiments. A serial of novel cercaricides that can self-diffuse on the water surface were designed and synthesized according to the special habit of cercariae larvae. These compounds were derived from niphensamide. Whilst the compounds were dropped on the surface of water, the liquor diffused along the air-water interface and formed thin membranes floating on the water surface immediately. The strong cercaricidal activities against the cereariae larvae of Schistosome japonicum of these compounds have been revealed by further experiments.
20 0 1年本刊第 1期刊登了“特级防火卷帘初探”一文 ,这是“一论”。当时因研究才开始 ,认识尚肤浅。现经年余努力 ,工作大有进步 ,使用此技术的厂家已达 5家 ,其中已检测合
The water effect on peroxy radical measurement by chemical amplification was determined experimentally for HO2 and HO2+OH, respectively at room temperature (298
日本建筑学会于2001年9月22日在东京召开紧主题是“世贸中心大楼恐怖袭击向建筑界提出的课题”。 世贸中心大楼北楼于1970年完工,南楼于1973年完工。其设计者是名为MINORU Y