
来源 :中国运动医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shena011
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目的:研究大鼠风味嗜好学习、游泳训练与β-内啡肽表达的关系,初步探讨风味嗜好学习与运动性疲劳关系的内在可能机制。方法:健康成年雄性Wistar大鼠64只,随机分为8组:空白对照组(CC)、氨基酸刺激组(AS)、奎宁刺激组(QS)、氨基酸嗜好组(AC)、奎宁嗜好组(QC)、力竭组(FF)、氨基酸嗜好力竭组(AF)、奎宁嗜好力竭组(QF),每组8只。嗜好组进行为期5天的对奎宁、氨基酸的嗜好学习训练;刺激组进行一次氨基酸、奎宁溶液刺激;力竭组进行一次力竭游泳运动。采用行为学和免疫组织化学方法,观察大鼠游泳能力及下丘脑室旁核(Pa)、视上核(SO)、尾侧大细胞核(CMC)3个核团β-内啡肽表达和变化。结果:学习训练后,嗜好学习组各组大鼠对风味溶液的嗜好比均显著升高,证明风味嗜好学习已经建立;嗜好学习组大鼠SO、Pa内的β-内啡肽表达水平显著高于空白对照组,力竭发生时间推迟、游泳能力有所提高。结论:风味嗜好学习对大鼠摄食行为、下丘脑β-内啡肽表达及运动能力有一定影响。 OBJECTIVE: To study the relationship between learning-at-taste, swimming training and β-endorphin expression in rats, and to explore the underlying mechanism of the relationship between flavor and hobby learning and exercise-induced fatigue. Methods: Sixty-four healthy adult male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 8 groups: control group (CC), amino acid stimulation group (QS), quinine stimulation group (AC), quinine preference group (QC), exhaustion group (FF), amino acid addicted to exhaustion group (AF) and quinine addicted to exhaustion group (QF). Hobby group for a period of 5 days of quinine, amino acid hobby learning and training; stimulation group for an amino acid, quinine solution stimulation; exhaustive group for an exhaustive swimming exercise. Behavioral and immunohistochemical methods were used to observe the swimming ability of rats and the expression and changes of β-endorphin in three nuclei of hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (Pa), supraoptic nucleus (SO) and caudal large nucleus (CMC) . Results: After the training, the hobby ratio of flavoring solution of rats in hobby learning group was significantly increased, proving that the learning of flavors and hobbies had been established. The levels of β-endorphin in SO and Pa of hobby learning group were significantly higher In the blank control group, exhaustion occurred delayed, swimming ability improved. Conclusion: Flavor addictiveness learning has some influence on feeding behavior, hypothalamic β-endorphin expression and motor ability.
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