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老苏抓着屏风,不放手。“阿哥,忘了娘的话了?”苏老太临终前确实说过,这屏风只留给有出息的儿孙。当年老苏是工农兵大学生,光耀门楣,苏老太就把这屏风给了老苏。屏风在老苏家待了二十七年,没想到几天前高考成绩公布,儿子竟然落榜了!倒是老二的儿子苏鹏程考上了大学。这屏风做的是四猫图。小猫用头发丝般的绣线密密绣出,丝理清晰,根根顺滑。猫尾翘起,蓬松立体,到尾尖,一朵绣球花似的绽开。最绝的是猫的眼睛,干净澄澈,空灵又深邃, Old Soviet hold the screen, do not let go. “Elder brother, forget the words of the mother?” "Mrs. Su really did say before the end, this screen is only reserved for promising children and grandchildren. Old Soviet Union was a worker, peasant and soldiers college students, shine lintel, the Soviet Union put this screen to the old Soviet Union Su. The screen in the old Soviet Union to stay for twenty-seven years, did not expect a few days ago published the college entrance examination results, the son actually took the job! It is the second son Su Pengcheng admitted to the university. This screen is made of four cats. Embroidery kittens with silk hair embroidered dense, clear silk, root smooth. Cat tail tilt, fluffy three-dimensional, to the tail, a hydrangea bloom like. The most absolutely cat’s eyes, clean and clear, ethereal and profound,
The present study observed changes in rat neural cells at various ages (3, 18, 24, and 30 months). With age, neural cells became large and were sparsely arrange
永无止境的开拓者——记山西金石公司董事长赵书平@张剑波 Endless pioneer - recorded in Shanxi Jinshi Zhao Buping Zhang Jianbo chairman
“加入世贸组织之后,在关税 壁垒和一般性非关税壁垒逐步取消限制的态势下,中国要注意运用贸易技术壁垒这个武器,同时注意防范他人的贸易技术壁垒,以维护国家的经济安全。”
介绍了电磁冲击焊接的基本原理及设备组成及工艺。 The basic principle of electromagnetic impact welding and equipment composition and process are introduced.