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近日在微博上看到一位运营商员工对3G移动互联网的服务发出了这样的感慨.rene:这两天在现场见识了很多简单粗暴的流量辅导的情况,拿来客户新开户的手,关100M,下一个水果忍者:结果今天遇到很多拿着手机来问我们流量怎么查,应用和歌曲怎么下载的同学这条微博用了“简单粗暴”四个字来形容服务质量,虽有些夸张,但的确反映了当前运营商为用户提供的移动互联网应用服务的粗放程度。尤其令人担忧的是,如此服务的结果不但不能帮助用户真正掌握 Recently saw a microblogging operators on the 3G mobile Internet services sent such a feeling.rene: These two days at the scene to see a lot of simple and rude traffic counseling, brought a new customer account opening hand, Off 100M, the next Fruit Ninja: The results today encountered a lot of holding a cell phone to ask how traffic investigation, application and song how to download this microblogging used “simple crude ” to describe the quality of service, Although some exaggeration, but it does reflect the current operators to provide users with the extensive extent of mobile Internet applications. Of particular concern is that the results of such services not only fail to help users really grasp it
A new fluorescent probe(Rhod-Sec) for selenol detection with ultralow background fluorescence have been developed in this paper, which showed a 380-fold off-on
近日,住房和城乡建设部发布2013年第218号公告,批准《单层防水卷材屋面工程技术规程》为行业标准,编号为JGJ/T 316—2013,自2014年6月1日起实施。该规程由住房和城乡建设部标
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Formaldehyde, as one of the simplest reactive carbonyl species(RCS), is regarded as a potential carcinogen and a sick house syndrome gas. Recent studies have sh
The thermoelectric performances of 1 T-ZrX_2(X=S and Se) single layers were investigated using a combination of density functional calculations and semi-classic
The solubility of meropenem trihydrate in water+acetone mixtures and water+tetrahydrofuran mixtures were determined from T=(278.15 to 303.15) K by static method