Coherent H∞ Control for Linear Quantum Systems With Uncertainties in the Interaction Hamiltonian

来源 :自动化学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:as7770420
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This work conducts robust H∞ analysis for a class of quantum systems subject to perturbations in the interaction Hamiltonian. A necessary and sufficient condition for the robustly strict bounded real property of this type of uncertain quantum system is proposed. This paper focuses on the study of coherent robust H∞ controller design for quantum systems with uncer-tainties in the interaction Hamiltonian. The desired controller is connected with the uncertain quantum system through direct and indirect couplings. A necessary and sufficient condition is provided to build a connection between the robust H∞ control problem and the scaled H∞ control problem. A numerical procedure is provided to obtain coefficients of a coherent controller. An example is presented to illustrate the controller design method.
1993年8~9月用(WISC-CR)量表对某校1~3年级122名6~12岁儿童进行个人智能测验结果:IQ值优秀13人,中上36人,中等61人,中下8人,临界状态4人。 From August to September in 1993,
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