A distributed adaptive multi-hop certification authority schemefor mobile Ad Hoc networks

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mwzxxlj
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This paper theoretically analyzes a deficiency of the existing scheme, and proposes a distributed multi-hop certification authority scheme for mobile Ad Hoc networks. In our design, we distribute the certification authority functions through a threshold secret sharing mechanism, in which each node holds a secret share and multiple nodes jointly provide complete services. Certification authority is not limited in a local neighborhood but can be completed within multi-hop location. In addition, we replace broadcast by multicast to improve system performance and reduce communication overhead. This paper resolves some technical problems of ubiquitous certification authority services, and presents a wieldy multi-hop certification authority algorithm. Simulation results confirm the availability and effectiveness of our design. This paper theoretically analyzes a deficiency of the existing scheme, and proposes a distributed multi-hop certification authority scheme for mobile Ad Hoc networks. In our design, we distribute the certification authority functions through a threshold secret sharing mechanism, in which each node holds a secret authority and other nodes jointly provide complete services. Certification authority is not limited in a local neighborhood but can be completed within multi-hop location. In addition, we replace broadcast by multicast to improve system performance and reduce communication overhead. This paper resolves some technical problems of ubiquitous certification authority services, and presents a wieldy multi-hop certification authority algorithm. Simulation results confirm the availability and effectiveness of our design.
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