
来源 :国外金属矿选矿 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:frenta
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主要由铁闪锌矿、砷黄铁矿组成的硫化锌精矿经过磁选后可以除去矿石中所含的砷.分段磁选的磁场强度分别为2000Oe、5000Oe、10000Oe,磁选须在干燥的气氛中进行,所用设备为等磁力磁选机.砷化合物如砷黄铁矿富集于非磁性产品中,磁性产品中砷的品位随磁场强度的增加从0.12%降到0.04%.磁场强度达到10000Oe时,非磁性产品的产率为8.26%,其砷的品位为0.96%.这说明可以除去矿石中约63%的砷.而且,当磁场强度达到10000Oe时,锌精矿的品位增大到48.46%产率增至66.90%.在磁性产品中锌的回收率达96%. The zinc sulphide concentrate, which is mainly composed of sphalerite and arsenopyrite, can remove the arsenic contained in the ore after magnetic separation. Magnetic field strength of segmented magnetic separation were 2000Oe, 5000Oe, 10000Oe, magnetic separation to be carried out in a dry atmosphere, the equipment used for such magnetic separator. Arsenic compounds such as arsenopyrite are enriched in non-magnetic products. The arsenic level in magnetic products decreases from 0.12% to 0.04% with increasing magnetic field strength. When the magnetic field reaches 10000 Oe, the yield of the non-magnetic product is 8.26% and the arsenic is 0.96%. This shows that about 63% of the arsenic in the ore can be removed. Moreover, when the magnetic field strength reached 10000Oe, the grade of zinc concentrate increased to 48.46% and the yield increased to 66.90%. In magnetic products zinc recovery rate of 96%.
1 大空间场景的设置  1.1 大空间建筑的几何尺寸  本文模拟的大空间建筑的材料为混凝土(CONCRETE),其空间尺寸为14m×10 m×13 m,将整个空间划分为70×50×65、即227,500个网格,每个网格大小都为0.2 m×0.2m×0.2m。图1.1给出了大空间建筑的网格分布。        图1.1 大空间建筑网格图  1.2 火源设置  本模拟中火源为1m×1m×0.2m的油盘
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以MD8380、80C31单片机为核心的矿机车速度里程表具有显示和记忆行驶速度、里程等参数的功能 MD8380, 80C31 single-chip microcomputer as the core of the mine speedometer with dis
目的 了解近两年北京市西城区5岁以下儿童病毒性腹泻的主要病原体,为病毒性腹泻预防与控制措施调整提供依据.方法 2011年4月~ 2012年3月随机选择北京市西城区两家三级甲等医院,共收集196例腹泻患儿粪便标本进行检测,利用酶联免疫试验检测轮状病毒,用聚合酶链反应法检测杯状病毒、星状病毒和肠道腺病毒.结果 标本总阳性率39.3% (77/196);38例检出轮状病毒,阳性率19.4%;33例检出人