创建学习型领导班子 提高领导干部的执政能力

来源 :沈阳干部学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kency2008
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深化改革、应对入世挑战、创建学习型领导班子是社会主义现代化建设的必然要求。创建学习型领导班子,要以学习“三个代表”重要思想为基础,学习新知识、新理论,拓展创新空间,提高领导干部的执政能力。要转变观念,解放思想,创新思维方式,创新领导方法。坚持广泛的学习,在理论与实践的结合中,提高领导干部科学判断形势的能力,驾御市场经济的能力,应对复杂局面的能力,依法执政和总揽全局的能力。 Deepening the reform, meeting the challenges of entering the WTO and creating a learning leadership are the necessary requirements of socialist modernization. To create a learning leadership, we must learn from the important thinking of the “three represents,” learn new knowledge and new theories, expand the space for innovation, and enhance the governing ability of leading cadres. To change concepts, emancipate the mind, innovative ways of thinking, innovative leadership methods. Adhere to extensive study and improve the ability of leading cadres to scientifically judge the situation, the ability to steer the market economy, the ability to deal with complicated situations, and govern their state in accordance with the law and take overall control of the overall situation in the combination of theory and practice.
椭圆弧在几何外形设计和机械制造中有着重要的位置,本文主要研究了椭圆弧的有理四次贝齐尔表示和多项式逼近。   第一章中我们对计算机辅助几何设计的主要发展历史以及研究
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本文对Berkovich和Janko在他们的有限p群专著“Groups of Prime Power Order Vol.2”提出的问题1392给出了否定的回答,在此基础上,我们提出了一个新的问题.“是否存在有限p群G
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