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一、渗透性教学法的提出 原国家教委职教司司长刘来泉在《加强教学改革和学校建设,努力提高高等职业教育的质量的效益》一文中指出:“要改革教学方法,强调综合性和整体性的素质教育,强调培养分析问题,解决问题的能力和创新精神;强调充分发挥学生的积极性和主动性,使学生学会学习,具有自我发展和获得知识的能力。”同时,又指出:“职业教育教学改革要跟上时代的发展,及时更新教学内容,高等职业教育既要关注经济社会发展对高等职业人才的需要,又要关注当代科学技术的进步。” 由此看来,职业大学要以能力为中心,要强调实践动手能力的培养,但也不能放松理论课的学习,降低理论水平的要求。同样要强调综合性,整体性素质教育,关注科学技术的进步,及时更新教学内容,介绍现代科学技术的新发展和新知识,力求理论课程教学内容现代化,面向21世纪。要使学生学会学习,具有自我发展和创新能力。我认为要做到这一点,就应该改革传统的教学法,倡导杨振宁教授提出的渗透性教学法。 二、渗透性教学法的意义 I. Permeability pedagogy put forward Liu Laichuan, former director of the Vocational Education Department of the State Education Commission, pointed out in his article entitled “Strengthening Teaching Reform and School Construction and Striving to Improve the Quality of Higher Vocational Education”: “To reform the teaching methods and emphasize comprehensiveness and The overall quality education emphasizes the cultivation of the ability to analyze and solve problems and solve problems and the spirit of innovation. It emphasizes giving full play to students’ enthusiasm and initiative so that students can learn from them and have the ability to develop themselves and gain knowledge. ”At the same time, Vocational education and teaching reform should keep pace with the development of the times and update teaching contents in time. Higher vocational education should not only pay attention to the needs of higher vocational and technical personnel for economic and social development, but also pay attention to the progress of contemporary science and technology. "From this perspective, Focus on ability, we should emphasize the training of practical ability, but also can not relax the theoretical class to learn, reduce the theoretical level requirements. It is also necessary to emphasize comprehensive and holistic quality education, pay close attention to the progress of science and technology, update the teaching content in time, introduce the new developments and new knowledge of modern science and technology, and strive to modernize the teaching content of the theoretical curriculum in the 21st century. To enable students to learn to learn, self-development and innovation. In my opinion, to achieve this, we should reform the traditional teaching method and advocate the teaching method of penetrating teaching proposed by Professor Yang Zhenning. Second, the significance of permeability pedagogy
本文从社会发展和科技进步对高等职业教育的要求及高等职业教育对师资的要求两个方面,探讨了高等职业教育的师资队伍建设 This article from the social development and sci
自2008年11月2000多名县委书记接受集中培训以来,大规模的基层干部集训是消息频频,3000名左右公安局长、3000名检察长、600多名监狱长、全国 Since the centralized trainin