
来源 :广西医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mxh1289
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目的 :分析不同时期麻疹流行病学特征 ,提出控制策略。方法 :对 195 1~ 2 0 0 2年麻疹发病情况、麻疹减毒活疫苗(MV )接种、人群免疫水平和麻疹病例免疫史等有关资料进行统计分析。结果 :使用 MV前期 (195 1~ 196 6年 )、MV推广期(196 7~ 1978年 )、MV计划免疫期 (1979~ 1983年 )、计免 -冷链运转期 (1984~ 2 0 0 2年 )的麻疹平均发病率分别为 10 78.5 2 /10万、2 6 0 .73/10万、78.2 5 /10万、4 0 .0 7/10万 ,呈不同时期下降趋势 ;麻疹发病呈明显的冬春季流行高峰 ,有后移趋势 ;10岁以下儿童发病占总病例数的 6 7.5 7% ,仍以低年龄组发病为主。 1979~ 2 0 0 2年 MV报告接种率维持在 72 .0 4 %~ 98.2 6 %之间 ,1998年健康人群抗体阳性率为 6 1.80 % ,几何平均滴度为 1∶ 32 7.15 ,1990~ 2 0 0 2年麻疹病例有免疫史占 5 3.86 % ,其中有基础免疫并进行加强免疫的占 2 3.2 4 %。结论 :(1)崇左县麻疹疫情已得到有效控制 ;(2 )提高常规基础免疫、加强免疫接种率和免疫接种质量 ;考虑将现行初免月龄提前至 6月龄、将现行复种年龄提前至 4岁 ;(3)开展 1~ 14岁儿童初始强化免疫、每隔 4~ 5年重点对 8月龄~ 4岁儿童后续式强化免疫及应急免疫 ;(4 )把麻疹监测纳入 AFP病例监测系统 ,提高其敏感性、及时 OBJECTIVE: To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of measles in different periods and propose control strategies. Methods: The incidences of measles, live attenuated measles vaccine (MV) vaccination, population immunity level and case history of measles immunization from 195-1002 were analyzed statistically. Results: The pre-MV (195-1 ~ 196-6), MV promotion (196.7 ~ 1978), MV immunization (1979 ~ 1983) Year), the average incidence of measles was 10 78.5 2 / 100,000, 26.07%, 78.2 5/10 million and 40.07% respectively, showing a decreasing trend in different periods; the incidence of measles was obviously The peak of the winter and spring epidemic, there is a trend of backwardness; the incidence of children under 10 years of age accounted for 6 7.5 7% of the total number of cases, still low-age group mainly disease. The vaccination coverage rate of MV report in 1979 ~ 2002 was between 72.0% and 98.2%. The positive rate of antibody in healthy population was 6 1.80% in 1998 with the geometric mean titer of 1:32 7.15 and 1990 ~ 2 The history of immunization in measles cases in 2002 was 5 3.86%, of which 2 3.2 4% had basic immunization and intensive immunization. Conclusion: (1) The epidemic situation of measles in Chongzuo County has been effectively controlled; (2) The routine basic immunization and the immunization coverage were strengthened; the current immunization coverage was advanced to 6 months and the existing multiple crop age was advanced To 4 years of age; (3) to carry out initial strengthening of children aged 1-14 years of immunization, focusing on every 4 to 5 years follow-up intensive immunization and emergency immunization of children aged 8 months to 4 years; (4) the monitoring of measles into AFP case monitoring System to improve its sensitivity in time
目的探讨采用单纯结扎胸导管断端远侧治疗创伤性乳糜胸的机理.方法回顾性分析11例胸部肿瘤术后乳糜胸的临床特征、手术方法与转归.结果 11例单纯结扎胸导管断端远侧患者均全
患者男 ,2 5岁 ,婚后 1年未育。查体 :身高1 .93m ,双臂和双腿增长明显 ,无胡须、喉结 ,皮肤细腻 ,发音尖细 ,两乳房轻度增大 ,双目距略短。生殖器 :阴茎长度常态 4cm、勃起