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张慧敏是郑州大学工程管理系学生,从大一开始,她就尝试“创业”了。“说到我的第一桶金,我觉得象征意义更明显一些。”大一军训刚结束,张慧敏与室友们一起在校园里遇上了某家学习报的销售人员,对方想找一位学生帮忙销售报纸。“可以挣到15元钱,她们都不愿意 Zhang Huimin is a student of Engineering Management Department of Zhengzhou University. From the freshman year, she tried ”Start a Business“. ”Speaking of my first pot of gold, I think the symbolic significance is more obvious. “ Freshman military training just ended, Zhang Huimin and his roommates met on campus with a learning newspaper sales staff, the other looking for a Students help to sell the newspaper. ”Can earn 15 dollars, they are not willing to
  This article evaluates the impact-induced damages and influence of titanium skin layer on impact damages in FRP layer of Fibre-Metal Laminates based on tita
  When polymeric materials slide against metal surfaces or other harder counterfaces, material transfer generally occurs, and continuous film can sometimes de
【摘 要】当前,新疆电网建设发展迅速,各级电网网架结构日趋坚强。真实、完整的工程档案是一个工程全过程的反映,是一项可以利用的宝贵资源。工程量的增加使工程档案也由过去每年几百卷增加到每年上千卷,同时电子档案的数量也呈现逐年递增的现象。电力系统工程档案管理信息化已融入办公自动化网络系统,档案移交需通过档案信息管理系统进行,在移交纸质文件的同时,移交同步形成的电子、音像资料,实现档案信息资源的共享。  
  Hybrid UV-curable nano-coatings are one of the most attractive topics in nanomaterials which have achieved the transition from fundamental researches to pra
  This study investigated the feasibility of wood powders filled recycle Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), Nylon 6 alloy (PET/Nylon) and then manufactured Woo
  Fiber reinforced laminated composite materials are widely used for various structures especially for aviation and aerospace structures because of their high
2004年高考失利的李想告别双鬓渐白的双亲,带着无边的失落和对未来的茫然,踏上了寻梦之路。    不甘贫贱,毅然走上创业路    从青岛到烟台,从卖苦力的物流搬运到臭气熏天的小渔具厂,再到单调枯燥的造纸厂……在繁杂忙乱、跌跌碰碰的打工生活中,李想经常琢磨书中成功人士的故事,“我的人生绝不能这样!我要通过创业来实现自己的梦想。”   手里仅有2万多元浸透着汗水甚至泪水的血汗钱,也没有经营经验,如何创
  Polyimide (PI) composites have been widely used in industrial fields because of excellent mechanical properties and stability at high temperature.However, t