
来源 :青春 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tradingart
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1这年春天快烂尾的时候,我买了个新手机,一般情况下,刚换了手机的人,没事便把旧手机上的名字,一个一个倒腾在新手机上。我就是这样干的。旧手机里名字太多,我倒着倒着眼晕,放一放,第二天再倒,就这样倒腾了五六天,倒腾到一个人头上,是老白。我忽然想起很长时间没有联系老白了。怎么回事呢?和一桩生意有关。那时我还在内蒙古一家老字号企业任总经理,这个老字号,现在都名声在外,叫敕勒歌。老白不知从什么渠道打听到我的名字,然后托我小舅子赵二,请我到大肥羊火锅吃了一顿,上的酒是我们酒厂生产的敕勒歌白酒。虽说是个普通的饭局,但人家没上河套王酒,分明是给我面子。除了羔羊肉,老白特意还点了烤羊腰子,一看这满桌花里胡哨的阵势,我突然对老白产生了说不出的好感,这外地人,就比本地人心细。“说吧,什么事?”酒至半酣,我撕巴了一口羊腰子问。“让你说,你就说什么事,我姐夫可痛快呢!”坐在我旁边的赵二,也啃着羊腰子帮腔。 When the Spring Festival came to an end, I bought a new mobile phone. Under normal circumstances, I just changed the name of the old one on the new mobile phone. I did that. Old phone name too much, I turned upside down dizzy, let it go, the next day and then down, so upside down for five or six days, soared to a person’s head is old white. I suddenly remembered for a long time did not contact the old white. What happened? And a business. At that time I was still an old company in Inner Mongolia, general manager, the old name, are now fame, called Le Le song. Old white I do not know from what channels inquire my name, and then asked my brother-in-law Zhao Er, invited me to a big fat sheep hot pot to eat meal on the wine is our winery production Jue Lege Liquor. Although it is an ordinary meal, but others did not go on the Hetao Wang, clearly give me a face. In addition to the lamb, the old white also deliberately roasted lamb kidney, a look at the table full of gaudy battlefield, I suddenly had a rough impression on the white, this outsider, than the local people. “Say it, what happened? ” Wine until half-hearted, I tear a sheep kidneys asked. “Let you say, what would you say, my brother-in-law can be happy!” Sitting next to me, Zhao Er, also chewing sheep kidneys.
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(邮发代号38-124)《临床泌尿外科杂志》(刊号:ISSN 1001-1420,CN 42-1131/R)是中华人民共和国教育部主管,华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院和同济医院联合主办的泌尿外科
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