
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenlecheng
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Background/Aims: Amantadine may augment virological response rates to interferon-based therapy in chronic hepatitis C patients. Using a novel design, amantadine was studied in na ve genotype 1 patients treated in combination with peginterferon alfa-2a (40KD)/ribavirin. Methods: Patients enrolled in this randomized, placeo-controlled multicenter trial were stratified by single-dose interferon sensitivity (stratum I, 24 h HCV-RNA decline >1.4log 10; II, 0.8-1.39log10; III, < 0.8log10; a reliable means of identifying nonresponders to interferon/ribavirin) and fibrosis grade (F0/1/2 vs. F3/4) at baseline. All patients received peginterferon alfa-2a (40KD) 180 μ g/week plus ribavirin 1000-1200 mg/day and were randomized to receive amantadine 100 mg twice daily (N=114) or placebo (N=95) for 48 weeks. Results: Week 24 virological response rates in strata II and III, the primary outcome, were similar in patients treated with amantadine (63.7% ) or placebo (65.7% ), as were sustained virological response rates at week 72 (46.5 and 51.6% , respectively). Adverse event profiles were similar and amantadine did not improve health-related quality of life compared with placebo. Interferon sensitivity was the only significant predictor of treatment outcome. Conclusions: Adding amantadine to peginterferon alfa-2a (40KD)/ribavirin combination therapy does not augment virological response rates in genotype 1 patients. Virological response was almost exclusively determined by interferon sensitivity at baseline. Using a novel design, amantadine was studied in na ve genotype 1 patients treated in combination with peginterferon alfa-2a (40KD) / ribavirin. Methods: Patients enrolled in this randomized, placeo-controlled multicenter trial were stratified by single-dose interferon sensitivity (stratum I, 24 h HCV-RNA decline> 1.4 log 10; II, 0.8-1.39 log 10; All tissues received peginterferon alfa-2a (40 kD) 180 μg / week plus ribavirin 1000-1200 mg / day and were randomized to receive amantadine 100 mg twice daily (N = 114) or placebo (n = 95) for 48 weeks. Results: Week 24 virological response rates in strata II and III, the primary outcome, were similar in patients treated with amantadine (63.7%) or placebo (65.7%), as were sustained virolo gp in response to at week 72 (46.5 and 51.6%, respectively). Adverse event profiles were similar and amantadine did not improve health-related quality of life compared with placebo. Interferon sensitivity was the only significant predictor of treatment outcome. Conclusions: Adding amantadine to peginterferon alfa-2a (40KD) / ribavirin combination therapy does not augment virological response rates in genotype 1 patients. Virological response was not determined determined by interferon sensitivity at baseline.
心态对人的行为到底会产生什么样的影响呢?  有一个孩子,家境贫寒,生活窘迫,不得不经常捡煤块、拾破烂来赚钱补贴家用,因而他的很多同学都瞧不起他。每天放学以后,常有三个爱欺负人的孩子为难他,并以此为乐。他每次受到惊吓或是挨了打骂,只能流着泪回家,他因此感到恐惧和自卑。后来,这个孩子读了一本叫《罗伯特的奋斗》的书,内心受到启发和鼓舞。他对心态进行了重新调整,决心与那些为难他的孩子决斗。一天,在放学回家
彗星划过天空曾被认为是不祥的征兆。实际上,它们和行星、小行星、尘埃一样,只不过是太阳系中的一类天体。1910年4月,哈雷彗星“华丽”地回归,从距离地球2 300万千米远的地方
【摘要】小学阶段的语文教学,能够为学生的语言表达理解能力及其应用能力打下良好的基础。作为小学语文老师,要不断提高教学水平,在课堂上为学生有效传输知识创造有利的因素。在这个过程中,教师语言则起到重要作用。本文将对教师语言在小学语文课堂教学中的作用及其特点进行详细分析,以期抛砖引玉,为促进教师教学水平的提升起到一定的理论指引作用。  【关键词】小学语文;教学语言;规范性;趣味性  【中图分类号】G62
临近高考,白莉莉经常到一个幽静的大院里去看书,开始的时候很投入,可后来,却觉得原本幽静的大院,总能隐隐约约地听到汽笛声,白莉莉觉得自己怎么也看不进书了。  何小军在考试时,旁边总有一个考生不是把卷子弄得沙沙直响,就是在那儿唉声叹气,弄得他心烦意乱,结果严重影响了考试的成绩。  解读:  干扰考生学习的噪音有两种,一种是外界噪音,一种是心理噪音。事实上,两种噪音的强度并不高,它对人所产生的影响主要是