Dance in the Moulin de la Galette《煎饼磨坊的舞会》

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  “The world knew how to laugh in those days! Machinery had not absorbed all of life: you had leisure for enjoyment and no one was the worse for it.” With this happy, wonderful picture, Renoir’s reminiscence seems a pallid understatement. The canvas is so rich in attractions, so full of enchanting details, that it becomes nothing less than an affirmation of the goodness of living.
   The painting celebrates the triumph of youth: the women are radiantly beautiful, the men as dashing and debonair as young blades ought to be. Renoir has become famous as a painter of the nude; but what painter has clothed the human form more entrancingly? And with unbelievable virtuosity, he has animated his figures with an amazing variety of postures and activities—bold, relaxed, eager, withdrawn, flirtatious—all of them graceful and natural.
   There are bits of still life, shimmering patterns of the light fixtures, children—like the dainty blonde creature in the lower left—tucked in here and there. One even fancies that the buzz of voices, the shuffle of feet, and the gay dance tune are part of the composition.
   This is one of Renoir’s largest1 and most ambitious compositions; yet he was not to regard it as one of his best paintings. Despite its apparent crowding and turbulence, it reveals a studied organization. The triangular foreground group is related through silhouette and color to the group at the trees; and this group, through yellow and gold-brown tones, becomes part of a vertical unit that provides stability to the right of the canvas. The other side allows easy entrance into space over a ground dappled blue and pink—Renoir’s way of creating the effect of sunlight and shadow without introducing neutral dark values.
   Varied curves set up another series of rhythms. Rich color is contrasted with plain, and each is developed into an independent sub-theme: reds, yellows, blues, greens, blacks. Light flickers across the scene, resting here and there for compositional emphasis. Subject and method have been completely integrated into a unity that is one of the great achievements in the art of painting.                                      ■
  不同的曲线构成了另一系列的有规则的变化。浓色与素色形成对比,每一种都发展出一个独立的副主题:浓淡不一的红、黄、蓝、绿、黑。整个场景遍布光点,在各处闪烁,突出不同的构图重点。画作主题与绘画技巧完美融合,创造出绘画艺术的一幅佳作。      □
通常,雅思每年要考50场左右,但受新冠疫情影响,从2020年1月18日雅思考试之后,一直到2020年7月11日才重启,几乎半年完全处于停考状态,后来密集增加考试场次,使2020年雅思考试达到39场。那么,2020年雅思大作文的命题有哪些特点?有没有一些规律性的东西,让准备在2021年参加雅思考试的同学们有所借鉴呢?以下就是老雅对2020年雅思考试大作文的分析和总结,供大家参考。  1. 2020年
【原文】  天授三年1,清河张镒,因官家于衡州。性简静,寡知友。无子,有女二人。其长早亡;幼女倩娘,端妍绝伦2。镒外甥太原王宙,幼聪悟,美容范。镒常器重,每曰:“他时当以倩娘妻之。”3  后各长成。宙与倩娘常私感想于寤寐4,家人莫知其状。后有宾寮之选者5求之,镒许焉。女闻而郁抑;宙亦深恚恨。托以当调,请赴京,止之不可,遂厚遣之。宙阴恨悲恸,决别上船。  日暮,至山郭数里。夜方半,宙不寐,忽闻岸上有
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