熊力先生于1992年8月组建盐田港区水电路河工程现场指挥部并任指挥长。在盐田港一期工程后方开发建设中,他同他的战友们,仅用一年多时间里即搬走了600万立方米的顽石,开出了六路一河并建起了一片不小的生活区,这些“当代愚公”为盐田港的开发建设立下了汗马功劳。在第二期土石方工程上马之际,记者采访了熊力先生。 记者:盐田港开发建设和经营管理已全面展开,目标是要建设成一座跨世纪的现代化国际深水大港,您能谈谈后方工程在盐田港建设中的意义吗?
Mr. Xiong Li in August 1992 set up Yantian Port Water Power River Project Site Command and served as commander. In the development and construction behind Yantian Port Phase I project, he and his comrades-in-arms removed 6 million cubic meters of hard rock in just over a year and opened up a 6-lane river and built a not-so-small Living area, these “contemporary folks” for the Yantian Port development and construction has made a contribution. In the second phase of earthwork launched, the reporter interviewed Mr. Xiong Li. Reporter: Yantian Port development and construction and operation and management has been fully launched, the goal is to build into a modern international deep-water port across the century, can you talk about the significance of the rear project in the construction of Yantian Port?