回顾历史催人奋进 展望未来再创佳绩——国务院机关事务管理局建局50周年纪念活动侧记

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20 0 0年 1 2月 8日 ,国务院机关事务管理局迎来建局 50周年。国管局党组精心组织 ,把建局50周年各项纪念活动作为激励干部职工开创新局面的重要契机 ,明确提出要结合贯彻党的十五届五中全会精神 ,回顾历史 ,发扬传统 ,弘扬局风 ,增强全体干部职工的光荣感、责任感、使命感和凝 On February 8, 2000, the State Administration of Customs Affairs ushered in the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Authority. The party committee of the State Administration of Taxation has carefully organized and took all the commemorative activities of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China as an important opportunity to inspire cadres and workers to create a new situation. They have clearly stated that it is necessary to combine with the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee, review history, promote traditions, Wind, and enhance the glorious sense of all employees, sense of responsibility, sense of mission and condensate
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