With the improvement of management and operation of steel enterprises and the continuous improvement of energy conservation measures, the fuel consumption of many domestic continuous rolling furnaces is declining continuously. However, in general, the heating efficiency of rolled steel is still relatively low (generally about 40%). At present, the average domestic consumption is about 550 kcal / kg of steel, while the advanced foreign ones have reached 300 kcal / kg of steel. Thus the potential for energy saving is still high. Calculated from the heat balance of the furnace, it can be seen that in addition to the heat absorption of the heated workpiece, the heat expenditure and the amount of heat removed from the exhaust pipe are the largest. At present, the heat taken from the bottom pipe takes up about 7-15% of the total heat supply. How to reduce the heat supply at the bottom of the water pipe, which is the concern of domestic and foreign stove workers. The basic formula for calculating the heat absorption of hearth water pipe is: