
来源 :中国科学技术大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaodehuwei12
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It is found that the natural chlorophyll can carry out hydrogenation reaction by the Ni cluster catalyst at normal temperature (10℃±2℃) and normal pressure in the dark. Along with the reaction going on, the fresh green color of chlorophyll fades gradually and become colorless in the end. Methods of Ultra violet spectrum, High effect liquid chromatogram, Gas chromatogram on line and X ray diffraction are employed to detect the reactants and the products. After reaction, the original chlorophyll A and chlorophyll B disappear; while some small molecules are found, such as CH 4, NH 3, KMgH 3. The reagents chlorophyll and hematoporphyrin are used as standerd references. The TEM image shows the catalyst particle size is within 3 nm~5 nm in the diameter. It is clear that after catalytic hydrogenation, both the porphyrin cycle and the pyrrole structure are broken. Perhaps the reaction imitates the natural decomposition of chlorophyll under reducing conditions (for example, under the deep sea) in nature. In the deep sea there are high pressure, small organic molecules, and very hot fluid with nm metal coming out of the bottom. From the view point of thermodynamics, it is possible to carry out a reverse reaction of the one mentioned above; and seen in this respective, life could have come from the sea. In fact, the porphyrin cycle is stable in natural environment in the Et OH solution of chlorophyll remained for one year, and in the Et OH solution of dead leaves. It can be found intact in both and it can still carry out similar catalytic reactions. Further experiments are conducted by using pyrrole and tetra hydrogen pyrrole as the reactants to carry out catalytic hydrogenation, and the results show that at normal temperature and pressure the pyrrole cycles are also broken and small molecule gases such as CH 4, C 3H 6, C 4H 10 , C 4H 8 are formed. It is found that the natural chlorophyll can carry out hydrogenation reaction by the Ni cluster catalyst at normal temperature (10 ° C ± 2 ° C) and normal pressure in the dark. Along with the reaction going on, the fresh green color of chlorophyll fades gradually and become colorless in the end. Methods of Ultra violet spectrum, High effect liquid chromatogram, Gas chromatogram on line and X ray diffraction are employed to detect the reactants and the products. After reaction, the original chlorophyll A and chlorophyll B disappear; while some small molecules are found, such as CH 4, NH 3, KMgH 3. The reagents chlorophyll and hematoporphyrin are used as standerd references. The TEM image shows the catalyst particle size is within 3 nm ~ 5 nm in the diameter. It is clear that after catalytic hydrogenation, both the porphyrin cycle and the pyrrole structure are broken. Perhaps the reaction imitates the natural decomposition of chlorophyll under reducing conditions (for example, unde In the deep sea there are high pressure, small organic molecules, and very hot fluid with nm metal coming out of the bottom. From the view point of thermodynamics, it is possible to carry out a reverse reaction of the one mentioned above; and seen in this respective, life could have come from the sea. In fact, the porphyrin cycle is stable in natural environment in the EtOH solution of chlorophyll remained for one year, and in the EtOH solution of Further experiments are conducted by using pyrrole and tetra hydrogen pyrrole as the reactants to carry out catalytic hydrogenation, and the results show that at normal temperature and pressure the pyrrole cycles are also broken and small molecule gases such as CH 4, C 3 H 6, C 4 H 10, C 4 H 8 are formed.
摘要:近年来,伴随信息媒介技术的发展,大量关于狗患的新闻被报道出来。广大民众与养狗人之间的关系,因为狗患的存在而变得难以和谐。狗患已经到了污染公共环境、威胁人类身心安全、冲击社会管理秩序的程度,治理狗患刻不容缓。  关键词:刑事;治理;狗患  中图分类号:D924 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-4379-(2016)29-0131-01  作者简介:刘信涛(1979-),男,汉族,河北衡水人
[摘 要]高职院校教师聘任制施行以来,对促进高职院校的改革发展起到了积极的作用,但在实施的过程中也发现了许多问题,本文就高职院校中教师聘任制发挥的作用,及当前存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了一些合理化的对策和建议,以期对高职院校教师聘任制改革发展有所帮助。  [关键词]高职院校 教师 聘任制 研究    教师聘任制作为一种新型用人制度,其本质是淡化身份管理,实行岗位管理,是实现高职院校教师的管理体制
目的 分析手术室全期护理在手术室优质护理中的应用效果.方法 选取2018年10月~2019年5月在本院接受手术治疗的患者160例为研究对象,根据患者接受治疗的时间先后顺序将其分为对