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旗帜问题至关紧要,旗帜就是方向,旗帜就是形象。当代中国的伟大旗帜就是邓小平理论,坚定不移地走有中国特色的社会主义道路,一定要毫不动摇地高举邓小平理论的伟大旗帜。党的十五大把这一点作为政治报告的灵魂,并在修改后的党章中把邓小平理论确立为党的指导思想,这对于进一步统一全党和全国人民的思想,把建设有中国特色的社会主义事业全面推向新世纪具有十分重大的意义。一、伟大旗帜的形成高举邓小平理论的伟大旗帜是当代中国正处于社会主义初级阶段的客观要求:在这个阶段我国的农业人口比重很大,自然经济半自然经济比重很大,文盲半文盲人口比重很大,贫困人口比重很大,人民的生活水平较低,地区经济文化发展不平衡,同世界的先进水平还有相当差距。十五大报告指出,“在这个不发达阶段,要把集中力量发展生产力放在首要地位”。“十一届三中 Flag issue is crucial, flag is the direction, flag is the image. The great banner of contemporary China is Deng Xiaoping Theory, and unswervingly follows the socialist road with Chinese characteristics. We must unswervingly hold aloft the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory. The 15th CPC National Congress took this as the soul of its political report and established Deng Xiaoping Theory as the party’s guiding ideology in the amended party constitution. This is of great significance to further unifying the thinking of the entire Party and the people throughout the country, building a society with Chinese characteristics It is of great significance for the cause of cause to be fully pushed into the new century. I. The formation of a great banner Holding high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory is an objective requirement of contemporary China at the primary stage of socialism: China has a large agricultural population at this stage with a large proportion of the natural and semi-natural economy and a large proportion of illiterate and semi-literate people The proportion of large and poor people is very large, the living standard of the people is low, the economic and cultural development in the region is unbalanced, and there is still a considerable gap with the advanced world level. The 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out: ”In this underdeveloped phase, we must give top priority to focusing on the development of productive forces.“ ”Eleventh three
时下,装修领域的变化已向时新、简约、高雅、实用的方向发展。许多流行一时的装饰理念、设计手法、装潢材料等逐渐被人们扬弃而成为昨日黄花。 Nowadays, the changes in t