
来源 :浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kitwe
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在政府购买公共服务的活动中,社会组织一向被学界视为匡正政府失灵与市场失灵的重要部门;而另一方面,潜在的志愿失灵的困境也需要政府的匡正。实地调研发现,政府在解决志愿失灵问题时也存在自身“失灵”的现象。具体而言,政府并不能完全解决社会组织资金短缺、服务内容及对象偏差、服务供给决策中的家长制作风等问题,难以通过社会组织的参与来达到预期的社会效益。而社会组织面临来自政府支配和绩效考核的压力,不得不将有限的资源和主要精力用于应对政府或第三方评估。因此,简单地认为政府可以匡正志愿失灵的观点或许是一种想象:政府在治理志愿失灵的过程中,由于自身的局限性而难以帮助社会组织实现应然的社会目标。因此,除期待社会组织的成熟和自治能力外,进一步深化政府自身的改革应是良性有效的政社合作的必要前提。 In the activities of the government purchasing public services, social organizations have always been regarded by the academic circles as an important department for correcting government failures and market failures. On the other hand, the potential plight of voluntary failures also needs the government’s correction. Field research found that the government has its own “failure” phenomenon in resolving the issue of voluntary failure. Specifically, the government can not completely solve the problems such as the shortage of funds in social organizations, the deviation of service contents and targets, the patriarchal production style in service supply decision-making, etc. It is difficult to achieve the expected social benefits through the participation of social organizations. Social organizations, under pressure from government dominance and performance appraisals, have had to confine limited resources and their main energies to responding to government or third-party assessments. Therefore, simply considering that the government can correct the problem of voluntary failure may be an imagination. In the process of managing voluntary failures, the government is unable to help social organizations to realize their due social goals due to their own limitations. Therefore, in addition to looking forward to the maturity and autonomy of social organizations, further deepening the government’s own reform should be a necessary prerequisite for sound and effective cooperation between government and society.
目的 探讨儿童心脏瓣膜置换手术及治疗效果。方法  1990年 1月至 2 0 0 2年 12月 ,4 5例14岁以下儿童施行了心脏瓣膜置换手术。其中男 2 6例 ,女 19例。年龄 3~ 14岁 ,平均
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