循序渐进 常中求变——小学数学教材内容安排的思考

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小学数学教学中分数和小数概念引入的先后次序问题历来是编者议论的焦点。一般有两种不同的次序:一种是先讲小数,另一种是先讲分数。持前一种观点者认为,小数概念是日常生活中常见的量,一般学生都会有一定的感性认识。同时小数的四则运算基本同整数的四则运算,学生只需按整数的四则运算依样画胡芦,然后再加上小数点即可。持后一种观点者认为,从数学学科的发展来看,分数概念的产生先于小数,小数是分数的一种特殊情况,从科学体系上应先讲分数的概念。笔者通过一系列的实践探索感到分数概念和小数概念交叉引入有助于学生理解、接受。在讲解除法时先引入分子为1的分数的概念,当学完整数四则 The problem of prioritization introduced by the concepts of fraction and decimal in elementary mathematics teaching has always been the focus of editorial debate. There are generally two different order: one is to talk about decimals, the other is to talk about scores. The former view point that the concept of decimals is a common daily volume, the average student will have some perceptual knowledge. At the same time, the arithmetic operation of the four decimal places is basically the same as the arithmetic operation of the whole number. Students only need to press the four arithmetic operations of the whole number according to the picture and then add the decimal point. According to a view of the latter, judging from the development of mathematics, the concept of fraction precedes the decimal, and the fraction is a special case. From the scientific system, the concept of fraction should be explained first. Through a series of practical exploration, the author feels that the introduction of fractional concepts and decimal concepts can help students understand and accept. The concept of introducing a fraction of 1 as a numerator when explaining divisions should be followed by a complete set of four
据《Электриче скиестанции》2007年1月号报道,俄罗斯《ЛМЗ(列宁格勒金属工厂)》研制并制造了中等功率的ГТЭ-65型发电用燃气轮机装置的试制样机。