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利用宁夏贺兰山东麓酿酒葡萄种植区2008~2016年4~5月逐小时最低气温资料,根据酿酒葡萄霜冻气候指标统计了不同程度霜冻日的出现时间。采用气候统计方法,研究了近9年来宁夏贺兰山东麓酿酒葡萄种植区不同程度霜冻出现情况及出现日期分布特征。结果表明:2008~2016年红寺堡种植区出现霜冻日数最多,其次是青铜峡种植区、银川种植区,石嘴山种植区出现霜冻日数最少。各种植区出现的霜冻日中均是轻度霜冻出现次数最多,其次是中度霜冻,重度霜冻日数最少。总体来看各种植区不同程度霜冻出现日期都集中在4月,且在4月上旬出现日数最多,只有红寺堡种植区霜冻日一直持续到5月中旬,5月下旬均未出现霜冻日。本研究结果对防止葡萄春冻灾害发生、提高葡萄成活率有现实意义。 Based on the hourly minimum air temperature data from 2008 to 2016 in the wine-growing region of Helan Mountain in Ningxia, the appearance time of frost days in different degrees was calculated according to the frost weather indices of wine grape. The climatic statistic method was used to study the occurrence and date distribution of frost in different degrees in the wine grape growing area in Helan Mountain of Ningxia in recent 9 years. The results showed that the number of frost days was the largest in Hongsibao planting area from 2008 to 2016, followed by Qingtongxia planting area, Yinchuan planting area and Shizuishan planting area with the least number of frost days. The frost days appeared in all kinds of plants are the most frequent occurrence of mild frosts, followed by moderate frost, severe frost days at least. Generally speaking, the frost occurrence dates in different regions are concentrated in April, and the most days appear in early April. Only the frost days of Hongsibao planting area last until mid-May, and no frost days appear in late May. The results of this study are of practical significance in preventing the occurrence of spring grape disaster and improving the survival rate of grape.
对于三角形的外接圆圆心,一个平凡的情形是:(记作命题1)rn命题1 设O是△ABC的外心,AO、BO、CO与外接圆交于D、E、F,则
1945年,诺尔曼和埃尔德什(H.Narmanand P.Erdos)证明了关于整数距离(Integraldistance)的一个命题[1]:
厚德载物,青史留名 “我是中国人民的儿子,我深情地爱着我的祖国和人民!” 这是一位伟大政治家发自内心的肺腑之言,他本来的名字叫做邓希贤,而我们喜欢亲切地称呼他“小平”
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