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针对目前自升式悬臂梁钻井工况的特点,描述了悬臂梁在重载条件下的理论分析方法,以一台井架中心最大偏心57.5ft的自升式钻井平台为例进行了有限元分析,数值研究了悬臂梁的应力和变形情况,并通过驳船替代钻井载荷的方式进行了重载试验研究,通过对比理论与试验数据,二者吻合较好,并得出了重要的结论,为今后悬臂梁的优化设计奠定了基础。 Aiming at the characteristics of current jacking boom condition, the theoretical analysis method of cantilever beam under heavy load condition is described. The finite element analysis is carried out by taking a 57.5ft maximum eccentric eccentric center of derrick as an example. The stress and deformation of the cantilever beam were numerically investigated. The heavy-load test was carried out by means of the barge instead of the drilling load. By comparing the theory with the experimental data, the two agree well with each other and the important conclusion is reached. The optimal design of the beam lays the foundation.
IODP 359航次是为解决海平面、洋流和印度洋季风演化而设计的。7个建议的钻探站位位于马尔代夫,1个站位位于印度西部大陆边缘的Kerala-Konkan盆地(图1)。马尔代夫碳酸盐岩具
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