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懂得数学基础知识.不一定会解题(特别是综合题)。教会学生解题,既是我们教学的一种手段,又是我们教学的目的之一。形成学生解题能力高低的因素很多(诸如知识因素.智力因素、心理因素等),解题环节也不少(诸如审题、探寻解题途径、逻辑表述,检验与小结等),本文仅就如何探寻解题途径谈点粗浅体会. 探寻解题途径就是在全面、深入审题的基础上,抓住题目的特征,根据已知与未知之间相互依赖、制约的关系,利用类比、联想、分析、综合,归纳等数学方法,整理出解题思路。解题过程的实质就是不断地有目的地有效地转化矛盾而最终解决矛盾的过程。探寻解题思路是探寻转化矛盾的方法。 Understand the basic knowledge of mathematics. Not necessarily the problem (especially the comprehensive problem). Teaching students to solve problems is not only a means of our teaching, but also one of the purposes of our teaching. There are many factors (such as knowledge factors, intelligence factors, psychological factors, etc.) that form a problem-solving ability for students, and there are also many problem-solving links (such as examining questions, exploring problem-solving approaches, logical expressions, tests, summary, etc.). Seeking ways to solve the problem. Talking about the way to solve the problem is to grasp the characteristics of the topic on the basis of a comprehensive and in-depth examination of the problem. Based on the relationship between the known and the unknown, the use of analogy, association, analysis, Comprehensive, induction and other mathematical methods, sort out the problem-solving ideas. The essence of the problem-solving process is the process of constantly and purposefully transforming contradictions and ultimately resolving contradictions. Searching for ideas is a way to find ways to transform contradictions.
从教育心理学的角度来讲,理解课题是对所要解决的课题或实际问题,在头脑中有一个清晰的反映;这是在审题,即感知课题的基础上形成的。 审题因课题的性质、难度不同而出现种种
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目前,中瀛鑫战略合作伙伴,蔡司中国总部大楼在上海自由贸易试验区正式启用。蔡司集团总裁及首席执行官Dr.Michael Kaschke先生、中国区总裁及首席执行官Maximilian Foerst先