Help by the bagful 一大袋的帮助

来源 :疯狂英语·新策略 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cyld2006_ldcy
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  On walking into her third?grade classroom in the morning, Mrs White noticed the bag in the corner by her desk. It was thick plastic, making it impossible to tell what was inside. She picked it up and asked, “Who does this belong to?”
  There was no answer. Opening it up, Mrs White rooted around and saw a blue and red shirt, some shorts, and what looked like some tennis shoes. Unaware of whose bag it was, she asked again, but nobody volunteered. She scanned the faces of the students. They all looked lost until she met Timothy. Looking up, he glanced at her and shook his head a little—side to side—just enough to make her stop digging into the bag. She sensed he was responsible for the bag. Mrs White also noticed that if she exposed what was in the bag, she would embarrass him.
  At the end of the morning, Mrs White took him aside. “Timothy, are those your clothes? Are you going to a party after school? Whats going on?” Timothy said the clothes were for a boy from another class called Tim, a boy he saw every day. He was concerned that Tim wore the same two clothes and the same pair of shoes every week. He said hed noticed that the clothes didnt always fit, and since they had been worn by two older brothers before being passed down to Tim, they were worn out. Also, the shoes were sometimes smelly.
  Mrs White was curious because most kids are just worried about themselves. They dont often reach out to others like this. Later, when she asked Timothy why he had done it, he looked her in the eyes saying, “Hes a poor boy. I just wanted to be nice.”
  Mrs White asked him if his parents knew about it. There was no way she wanted one of the students to give away his clothes without his parents permission, but Timothy promised his mother had agreed.
  Useful sentence patterns
  1. On walking into her third?grade classroom in the morning, Mrs White noticed the bag in the corner by her desk.
  分析:On walking...为“on doing”的结构,意为“一……就……”。
  2. There was no way she wanted one of the students to give away his clothes without his parents permission.
  分析:本句为“There was no way 同位语从句”的结构,意为“某人不可能……”。
  1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
  2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
  Paragraph 1:
  That afternoon, Mrs White took him aside again.   ______________________________________
  Paragraph 2:
  That evening Mrs White telephoned Timothys mother.
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