宋美龄,作为蒋介石夫人,在国共两党的对决中,偏倚可知。作为炎黄子孙,她为中华民族的生存与独立所作之努力,亦人所共见。 抗战爆发,国难当头,宋美龄的心随着民族的安危存亡而跳动。 她和二姐宋庆龄一道站出来,引领各界妇女,多方支援前线。 她以总裁夫人身份,亲临战场、出生入死、枪林弹雨、不为所惧。 她灵活的外交手腕和高雅的人格魅力,赢得了国际友邦的支持,筹组起中国空军“飞虎队”。 她以出色的讲演天才,征服了美国朝野,为抗战争取了大量“美援”。 那时节,她是一个真正的中国人,是一个杰出的炎黄子孙。 人约黄昏,月上梢头。宋美龄的一生,有阴影,也有光明。
As the wife of Chiang Kai-shek, Soong Mei-ling, known as the “bias” in the duel between the KMT and the KMT, As the grandson of the progeny, she made common efforts for the survival and independence of the Chinese nation. The outbreak of the war of resistance against Japan broke out in the wake of the national crisis and the heart of Soong Mei-ling jumped with the survival of the nation. She and Sister Soong Ching Ling stand together to lead women from all walks of life, multi-party support front. Her identity as President, visit the battlefield, birth and death, bullets, not fear. Her flexible diplomatic skills and elegant charisma won the support of international friends and raised the “Flying Tigers” of the Chinese Air Force. She has conquered the United States and both the ruling and opposition parties with her brilliant speech and has obtained a large amount of “U.S. aid” for the war of resistance. That time, she is a real Chinese, is an outstanding grandson. About dusk, the first shoot on the moon. Mei-ling’s life, shadows, there are bright.