九月,我接了一个新班。报到那一天,一头黄染发、一身黑时装、喇叭裤的学生陈强大大咧咧地出现在我面前。一位老班主任一脸严肃地告诫我;“这样的学生,一开始得给他来个下马威,不然,‘一粒老鼠屎坏一锅粥’,以后够你受的。” 果然,没多长时间,陈强就露出“庐山真面目”。上课连连恶作剧,其手段之花样百出令任课老师头疼;作业敷衍马虎,有时干脆不交;一次竟发现他躲在厕所里学抽烟……我气恼之下,找来陈强,
In September, I took a new class. Check-in that day, a yellow hair, a black fashion, bell-bottoms students Chen Qiang carelessly appeared in front of me. An old class teacher told me seriously solemnly; “Such a student, from the beginning to give him a disappointment, or else,” a bad mouse shit a pot of porridge, “then enough for you.” “Sure enough, not much Time, Chen Qiang to reveal ”Lushan true colors ". Class prank again and again, the tricks of the tricks make his class teacher a headache; assignments sloppy, and sometimes simply do not pay; once found him hiding in the toilet to learn to smoke ... ... I am angry, come Chen Qiang,