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一天,一个雕塑家发现自己的面貌变得越来越丑了,神态狡诈、古怪而又凶恶。他遍访名医,吃药、整容,都无济于事。一次,他游历一座庙宇,把自己的苦衷向长老说了。长老说,你要想治好病,必须先为我做一件事——雕塑几尊神态各异的观音像。雕塑家答应了。雕塑家精心雕琢不同容貌的观音像,达到了忘我的程度,仿佛自己也成了观音。半年后,任务完成了。他同时惊喜地发现,自己已经变得神清气爽、慈眉善目了!他感 One day, a sculptor discovers that his appearance has become more and more ugly, devious, quirky and vicious. He visited doctors, medicine, plastic surgery, are of no avail. Once, he traveled to a temple, to his elder said the difficulties. The elder said that if you want to cure ailments, you must do something for me first - sculptures of Guanyin with different demeanor. The sculptor promised. Sculptor carefully carved the different looks of Guanyin, reached the level of selfless, as if they have become a Buddism godness Guanyin. Six months later, the mission was completed. At the same time he was pleasantly surprised to find that he had become refreshed and kind-hearted! He felt
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Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a common severe illnessof the digestive tract with variable involvement ofother regional tissues and/or remote organsystems. Mild di
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