
来源 :今古传奇(故事版上半月版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaohuzhao
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1.夜半惊魂顺意殡仪馆不大,只有一台老式火化炉,平时烧的人也不多,因为这里村户相连,谁家死了人都会有许多人相送。不过也有例外,昨天夜里,火化工丁大壮一口气连烧两个人,来送葬的却只有一个人。本来,夜里烧人就够怪的了,更怪的是,死人是由县里首富李大头亲自开着运砖车送来的。李大头开 1. Frightened at night The funeral home is not large, only an old crematorizer, usually not many people burn, because the village is connected here, who died a lot of people will be sent. However, there are exceptions. Last night, the cretinist Ding Dazhuang sighed with two people and only one person came to the funeral. Originally, burning at night is strange enough to blame, even more strange is that the dead are from the county’s richest man Li personally shipped open brick car. Lee big open
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