说明: 一、臟器製劑是由健康的動物的臟器、组織、血液、尿中所提製的動物性藥劑。普通有: 1.乾燥製劑(粉末、錠劑)——是供内服或嗅入者。 2.液狀製劑——內服者裝入特製的小瓶中;不過多半是裝入安瓿中,以供皮下或肌肉注射用。二、在蘇聯所应用的臟器製劑很多,現在選其中若干種,列表註明其有效期,以供保管及使用時的參考。三、有~*符號者係蘇聯藥典第8版(1952年)收
Explanation: 1. Organ preparations are animal preparations extracted from the organs, tissues, blood, and urine of healthy animals. Common are: 1. Dry preparations (powder, lozenges) - is for internal or smelling. 2. Liquid preparations—The oral administration is contained in specially made vials; however, it is mostly filled in ampoules for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection. Second, there are many organ preparations used in the Soviet Union. Now select several of them. The list indicates its validity period for reference during storage and use. Third, those who have the symbol ** are the eighth edition of the Soviet Pharmacopoeia (1952).