Apparent ages of suspended sediment and soil erosion of the Pearl River (Zhujiang) drainage basin

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuncat
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The carbon isotopic composition (Δ 14 C,δ 13 C) and apparent ages of suspended sediment were determined in the Pearl River in the years 1998,2000 and 2005.These results indicate that suspended POC consists mostly of young carbon and some “old carbon”.Apparent ages of suspended POC range from 540 to 2050 a BP.The apparent ages are older in the Xijiang and Beijiang Rivers,while these values are variable in the Dongjiang River,including old and young samples.The suspended POCδ 13 C values increase with increasing Δ 14 C in the Pearl River,indicating that its source is soil and bedrock from depths under 15 30 cm.Since the organic carbon of the surface soil is quickly decomposed when it enters the rivers,its carbon isotopic characteristics are insignificant in suspended sediment.In the Pearl River drainage basin,there are areas with more severe soil erosion than others.For example,erosion is much more severe in the Xijiang River drainage basin when compared to the light soil erosion in the Dongjiang River drainage basin. The carbon isotopic composition (Δ 14 C, δ 13 C) and apparent ages of suspended sediments were determined in the Pearl River in the years 1998, 2000 and 2005. These results show that suspended POC consists mostly of young carbon and some “old Carbon. ”Apparent ages of suspended POC range from 540 to 2050 a BP. The apparent ages are in the Xijiang and Beijiang Rivers, while these values ​​are variable in the Dongjiang River, including old and young samples. suspended POC δ 13 C values ​​increase with increasing Δ 14 C in the Pearl River, indicating that its source is soil and bedrock from depths under 15 30 cm. Since the organic carbon of the surface soil is rapidly decomposed when it enters the rivers, its carbon isotopic characteristics are insignificant in suspended sediment. the the Pearl River drainage basin, there are areas with more severe soil erosion than others. For example, erosion is much more severe in the Xijiang River drainage basin when compared to the light soil erosion i n the Dongjiang River drainage basin.
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