Alarm Bells Are Ringing

来源 :Beijing Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:longyilang
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As China prepares for a battle against H5N1 bird flu, health authorities are tracking new global developments of the virus Since a highly pathogenic strain of the bird flu virus made the leap from birds to humans in Hong Kong in 1997, the threat of an all-out pandemic has never been more serious than right now. Having spread to 15 countries, from Iraq to Austria and then into Nigeria in the past month alone, the total number of countries with a confirmed presence of the virus has risen to more than 30. According to statistics from the World Health Organization As China prepares for a battle against H5N1 bird flu, health authorities are tracking new global developments of the virus Since a highly pathogenic strain of the bird flu virus made the leap from birds to humans in Hong Kong in 1997, the threat of an all- out pandemic has never been more serious than right now. Having spread to 15 countries, from Iraq to Austria and then into Nigeria in the past month alone, the total number of countries with a confirmed presence of the virus has risen to more than 30. According to statistics from the World Health Organization
近日,香港疑暴发流行性感冒疫情,广州、深圳近期有无可能发生大规模流行性感冒的问题受到普遍关注。 Recently, Hong Kong suspected the outbreak of influenza epidemic,
本文介绍日本东京消防厅对该地区十年间电气火灾的统计与分析,为电气设计人员提供电气火灾诸多方面的数量概念、以重视电气防火的基本措施。 This article describes the st
暴露凶残本性,遮羞丑布撕光。人权叫嚷战争狂,民主花腔为幌。不义多行自毙,挡车螳必身亡。九州怒斥野心狼, Exposure of the cruel nature of shame shame ugly tear. Huma